Danger signals and chronic inflammation
Head of group: Dr. Laure Yatime
We are interested in the molecular actors of the innate immune system whose excessive activation by pathogenic or endogenous danger signals causes chronic inflammation related to human pathologies such as hemolytic diseases, inflammatory bowel diseases or cancers. Our current work aims to understand how the recognition of these danger signals by specific immune receptors generates a pro-inflammatory response promoting the progression of these pathologies.

To this purpose, we use a multidisciplinary approach combining biochemistry, cell biology, structural biology and in vivo modeling in zebrafish.

November 2023 – Théo defends his PhD thesis. Congratulations Dr. Paris!

October 2023 – New publication in FEBS Journal about the IbeA virulence factor from AIEC by Paris et al

January 2023 – Seminal review on the molecular actors of inflammation in zebrafish published in Biology!