About LPHI

Research at LPHI focuses on the study of host-pathogen interactions, with emphasis on infectious processes, including infections by parasites (Plasmodium, Toxoplasma) and bacteria (Mycobacterium, Staphylococcus, Salmonella, pathogenic Escherichia coli). While some groups study infections in mammals, the zebrafish is widely used at LPHI as a model to study how hosts fight infections.
Open, innovative and high-standard basic research at LPHI is based on projects diversity and on an integrated approach, using up-to-date life sciences techniques, such as cellular, molecular and structural biology and biochemistry, together with novel omics approaches and benefiting from the expertise of chemists and physicists. A feature of LPHI is to host a team of theorists, physicists and mathematicians, and to develop projects at the interface between Biology, Physics and Mathematics, for new global or targeted multidisciplinary approaches of the biological processes we are studying.